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Stop onslaught on young women leaders

World News

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Stop onslaught on young women leaders

Source: The Nation

Kenya has tried to bridge the gender divide in appointive and elective positions through legislation such as the two-thirds gender bill now failed several times. But there’s a new pandemic for young women in power, designated to scare them from rising, voicing their opinion and leading as per their constitutional mandate: Patriarchy.

However, patriarchy is not new and plagues even the mature democracies. Today, a woman would be sitting at the apex of power of a superpower but for patriarchy.

Granted, there are many reasons why a woman running for political office might not win an election. But patriarchy tops the list.

Click here to read the full article published by The Nation on 24 November 2023.

Image by The Nation


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The Nation

Kenya has tried to bridge the gender divide in appointive and elective positions through legislation such as the two-thirds gender bill now failed several times. But there’s a new pandemic for young women in power, designated to scare them from rising, voicing their opinion and leading as per their constitutional mandate: Patriarchy.

However, patriarchy is not new and plagues even the mature democracies. Today, a woman would be sitting at the apex of power of a superpower but for patriarchy.

Granted, there are many reasons why a woman running for political office might not win an election. But patriarchy tops the list.

Click here to read the full article published by The Nation on 24 November 2023.

Image by The Nation


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